India on Thursday successfully launched the GSAT-6A satellite that would provide mobile
communication facilities, using its heavy rocket
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
(GSLV-F08), in a copybook style.
The GSLV-MkII rocket slung the satellite in a geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) from
where it would be taken up to its final geostationary orbit by three orbit raising manoeuvres.
ISRO's scientists at the mission control centre were visibly happy, slapping each others' backs
and hugging each other once the rocket ejected the satellite into the intended orbit.
Precisely at 4.56pm, the GSLV rocket ascended into the sky from the second launch pad
here at Satish Dhawan Space Centre and the 49.1-metre tall rocket, weighing 415.6 tonnes,
slung the two-tonne satellite into the intended orbit 17.46 minutes into its flight.
The purpose of the satellite is to provide mobile communication applications in S-band in five
spot beams and C-band in one beam during its 10-year lifespan.
The GSLV is a three stage/engine rocket. The core of first stage is fired with solid fuel while
the four strap-on motors by liquid fuel. The second stage is the liquid fuel-propelled and the
third is the cryogenic engine.
According to ISRO, two improvements - induction of high-thrust Vikas engine and
electromechanical actuation system - have been made in the rocket's second stage this
time around.
One of the crucial rocket engines is the cryogenic engine, designed and developed by ISRO,
and more efficient than the other two variants as it provides more thrust for every kilogram
of propellant burnt.
With this successful launch, India established the performance of its GSLV-MkII rocket which
in future may fetch orders from third parties for launching their satellites.
India puts into orbit foreign satellites for a fee using its lighter rocket - the Polar Satellite
Launch Vehicle (PSLV) as their weight is not much.
Revenue for launching satellites depends on the weight of the satellite - higher the weight,
higher will be the revenue.
According to the latest Economic Survey, foreign exchange earnings of India from export of satellite launch services increased noticeably in 2015-16 and 2016-17 to Rs. 394 crores and Rs. 275 crores from Rs 149 crores in 2014-15.